Friday, December 18, 2009

Twilight Saga = My Personal Brand of Crack

And so... I am off to finish my Christmas shopping... hopefully by noon... so I can go see New Moon at 12:20 by myself... aka without children.

Maybe now that I will have seen both movies... and read all 4 books... twice... I'll be able to continue sampling my friend H.'s brand of crack and try to learn to knit.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Yeah! I Passed!

I thought I failed...But I passed! certification test to officially be a CNA, certified nursing assistant.
Really it's not rocket science, but people tend to get tripped up on the skills exam by forgetting small steps. You are tested on handwashing and 4 other random skills out of about 25 possibilities.
I missed a couple little steps on one of the skills. You have to pass all 5 skills to pass the exam...
I thought that I had NOT passed as my group was waiting for our results...
But I did it!!
I just feel... relieved...
one more step towards my chosen career is out of the way.
Woo Hoo!!
Can't wait to get back in school in August!